Today, we take a moment of prayerful thoughts for Ukraine!
We watch as a nation is being torn to shreds by a dark and villainous dictator who is in the throes of a mind game based on power and control! A horrible man who behaves in a tyrannical manner that has no regard for other’s life, their homes, their families, who only cares about having control and power.
Maybe, as we watch what is happening in our own backyard, we can move beyond our own pettiness and move beyond our own pandemic of ignorance. As we watch our brothers and sisters in another nation truly have their rights stripped away, we can see that it was truly nothing to place a mask on our faces. Just maybe we can see that as we begin to think about our brothers, their health, their well-being, it is not too bad to have to wear a mask after all!
Maybe as we watch what is happening, we can see that honoring our differences, and seeing the divinity in others, even when they don’t believe in the same things we do, or they have a different perspective than ours, or they worship differently than us, or their skin color is different, or they love differently than us, we can begin to accept that differences are Divine!
Maybe as we watch a dark and villainous dictator act out like a spoiled child who is not getting his way on the playground, we can begin to see the mirror of orange-skinned, pompadour-wearing, rambling idiot attempting to begin the same drama in our own back yards.
Maybe as we watch, we can see the dangers of the paths that we are walking. Maybe as we watch, we can see that we need to respect our fellow travelers and realize that they have and deserve the same rights we once took in bloodshed and power and control over others.
Maybe as we watch, we can see the Divine in our differences and embrace those differences by seeing their hearts and not their skin color or their sexuality expressions.
Maybe as we watch, we can begin to see the Oneness rather than the “them versus us.” Maybe as we watch, we can embrace rather than judge, love versus hate, love versus discriminate.
This is my thoughts and my prayers!