Gluten Freedom! Course

Gluten Freedom! 

The Educated Chef

Private, 7 Week Online Course
Hosted By Chef Vedam Clementi
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 – Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Chefs, Personal Chefs, Restaurant Owners, and Home Chefs

This course is an economical way to expand your personal & professional knowledge.
Learn to increase your gluten-free “home menu”, or as a professional chef, learn to increase your existing service offerings, and expand your client base.

To show you how to safely incorporate gluten-free cooking into your cooking methodology, at home or professionally.

Each class will take place virtually on zoom.

The course is 7 weeks.
Each class will be approximately 60 minutes.


Product Details


“Gluten Freedom! The Educated Chef” is a private, 7 session online course for Chefs, Personal Chefs, Restaurant Owners, and Home Chefs led by Chef  Vedam Clementi. This class will show you how to safely incorporate gluten free cooking into your cooking, existing services and some bread baking basics, or as a new service menu.

Each session will last about 60 minutes and will also be recorded, and will be released approximately 3 days after each session.

Please note: there is a ton of information with each course, and I am a firm believer in answering all of the questions… there are tons of knowledgeable nuggets in the questions and the answers!

If you happen to be a chef, this course is an economical way to expand your knowledge, your existing services, as well as expand your client base. This series is full of tons of information from a chef who happens to have celiac disease.

Today, about 3.1 million people in the US follow a gluten free diet, and that number of people continue to grow every day. Whether this knowledge is for yourself, your loved ones, or your clients, you will truly know how to serve those people with knowledge and talent! Your registration and enrollment must be paid in advance.

We will meet for these sessions on Zoom, and once you register, we will send you the Zoom link that you will use to join each session. In conjunction with this course, there will be a private Facebook page for all members to share questions, insights, recipes, and pictures. You can also expect to get every recipe covered in this course!

The course begins Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm EDT, and will continue every week at the same time, ending Tuesday, April 5, 2022.


"Chef Vedam's Gluten Freedom class is incredibly comprehensive. His personal story led him to create a new way of eating for himself and ultimately for others who are also celiac.

He has tested, re-tested, and tested yet again and again to ensure that his gluten-free recipes are indistinguishable in taste from their gluten-FULL counterparts. Think cinnamon rolls, fried chicken, biscuits!

Chef Vedam shares his GF secrets openly and willingly to spread the understanding of what for many has become a fad diet but for celiacs can be a matter of life and death.

The hidden gluten in common ingredients is eye-opening. The probability of cross-contamination is high and not understood by most. Chef Vedam shares resources throughout the classes that are invaluable.

As a personal chef in the business nearly 2 decades, I learned a vast amount of information that has shifted my comprehension of avoiding gluten and has given me a better vocabulary for addressing the requests for gluten-free foods. Now my first question is "why are you looking for gluten-free foods?" Understanding the level of sensitivity is critical.

I highly recommend this course from an incredibly generous-with-knowledge chef, who not only talks the talk but lives the life of Gluten Freedom."

Monica Thomas
Owner: Tailored Taste Personal Chef Service
Tailored Taste Coaching

"I gained a solid understanding and knowledge base for the reasons and importance of Gluten Free  diets; for both people with gluten sensitivities, what the symptoms look like and those with Celiac disease. Vedam gives a generous amount of information and recipes for GF "flour" blends. I use these recipes weekly, for myself and people I cook for whether or not they've requested or need their food to be Gluten Free, (secrets out) just break up the monotony of using AP white flour for all baked goods. Because why not? If it works and its delicious..!

He will tell you him self, he's done the leg work for us, the pained (for me) waste of tried recipes that turn out garbage or to be crow food. I benefited from his skilled opinion about what GF blends on our grocery store shelves are worthwhile and which ones to avoid.

Plus, Vedam is a warm, sweet and caring person, someone who makes you feel like you want to be around them, even virtually! He is funny and flexible about what whatever is going on in your home "classroom", even inclusive.

I took this class even with a handle on GF baking, and it was still beneficial. Not everything I bake GF is perfect but I would take the class again, just to be with Chef Vedam in the fun atmosphere he creates and bet I will learn something new."

Chef Jessica
Seattle Family Chef, Seattle WA, USA


Feb 15: 6:00 pm ET

  • The 4 types of GF cooking
  • What does it mean to be Gluten Sensitive, or to be Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive and to have Celiac Disease, and their differences, and how to work with each Consultation, Pricing & Home Inspection (if you happen to be a chef)
  • Places gluten hide, and until you know these, can you be truly gluten-free?

Feb 22: 6:00 pm ET

  • Grocery & Shopping
  • Gluten-Free Labelling
  • Alternative Names for Gluten
  • Even more hidden places of gluten in the grocery store
  • What does it mean for a product to have a Gluten-Free Certification?

March 1: 6:00 pm ET

  • What is gluten and what does it do for our cooking abilities, and how to work around not having it when you cook?
  • What do all the gluten-free flours truly mean? Did you know that all of those different types of GF flours have different glycemic indexes and do different things in the body (in case you have other health issues)

March 8: 6:00 pm ET

  • Making Sauces & Gravies
  • Baking and what is needed to replace gluten
  • Ways to work around the additives
  • Converting recipes

March 15: 6:00 pm ET*

  • Baking bread

March 22: 6:00 pm ET*

  • Baking biscuits

April 5: 6:00 pm ET*

  • Baking baguette

*Live cooking classes where you are highly encouraged to bake with us!
Book A Chef